In many ways, this was all my fault. My accounts were daisy-chained together. Getting into Amazon let my hackers get into my Apple ID account, which helped them get into Gmail, which gave them access to Twitter. Had I used two-factor authentication for my Google account, it’s possible that none of this would have happened, […]
Purpose Nature Extent Effect I tried keeping these four things in mind while evaluating the TIME Magazine Corpus website. 1. The purpose of the website is to catalogue the words used within TIME Magazine between 1923 until the present, show how often words were used, how the meaning of certain words have changed over time, […]
The first thing that caught my attention with the Amen Break video is that at first it did not at all sound familiar to me… I tried thinking real hard about it, and even though I listen to artists such as Nero and Skrillex, I could not really place my finger on the drumming sample. […]
The Heavy Metal Umlaut, I think, was the more interesting piece for this week. Watching the editing of a Wikipedia page in real time was fun, and watching the “vandal” was funny. Seeing how simple it is for just any one person to edit an article willy nilly is useful because people need to keep […]
To find an op-ed on a labor dispute involving public school teachers before 1970, I went straight to JSTOR. Search parameters: school teachers and labor and dispute > years 1900 – 1969 > article or review A lot of articles came up, but a lot of them were also (supposed to be) unbiased reviews of what the […]
I’ve never really used ProQuest as a database for any of my classes before. Well, I might have learned how to use it back in High School or my first year or two of college, but it’s a pretty standard database so finding what I was looking for proved to be fairly easy. I think […]
I remember a few years back (few years back being maybe 2005) hearing my dad talk to one of my sister’s (ex)boyfriends about how digital music is the new thing and how that made him sad. He felt like digital music sounded… well… too electronic and digital. He thought that analog music was still the […]
I found the beginning of this chapter very true: most people think that the Internet will be simple. The computer’s doing most of the work for us, the searching, the browsing, finding the right webpage … but it is a little more difficult than many people would like to assume. The truth about these “pages” […]
I have read prophesying literature before, but the amount of detail that our Mr. Bush goes into makes me think he did not heed the Doctor’s very specific warning and blinked sometime in the early 2000s… or maybe he met someone who had done so and took to writing down everything his new friend had […]
I am spending the weekend in Historic Williamsburg where their idea of high speed wifi is a rock with googley eyes and wires sticking out of it! I’m posting now using the dismal amount of G power I currently have at my disposal via my smart phone and have been using it to read the […]